Welcome back to the first half of our Spring term. We hope you had a lovely restful break and enjoyed the extra family time. It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Christmas performance before we finished, we thought the children were fantastic and hope you agree. Thank you to everyone for the cards, messages and gifts that we received.

This term we are moving our number work on to 20. We will be exploring different ways to represent these numbers, learning what is 1 more and 1 less than them and having to solve calculations that include them.

We will be continuing our work on writing sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We will also be trying to add adjectives into our writing to make it more exciting.
During the afternoons we will be learning about animals in Science, Faberge eggs in Art and how to operate robots in computing. What a busy few weeks we have ahead of us!
Check back soon to see how we get on with our learning.