Toddler Room

Welcome to a day in the life of the Toddler Team (2-3 years)

Your child has successfully made the transition from the baby room into the more independent, mobile world of the nursery. Your child will be enjoying new opportunities for exercise and exploration, seizing new challenges and activities as their curiosity and coordination continue to grow.

He or she is starting to show self-selection, with relationship skills emerging. Encouraged by the attentive care of our toddler team, your child’s sense of self and expression becomes more prominent, while your child’s skills with communication build, quickly growing into a lively vocabulary.

This is a general guide to our daily routine, it is however dependent on each individual child’s needs and therefore can be flexible.

7.30am Welcome – we are open and it`s time for breakfast.

7.30-9am After a rolling breakfast for the children arriving there is time to explore provision with our friends.

9am New arrivals.

9.10am “Hello” time with our key workers. A chance to see which friends are in today and see what we can learn and experience today.

9.20am Free flow play, using our inside and outside spaces or Adult directed activities such as forest school, sport, baking and walks around local area.

10-10.30am Its café time!
Children can choose a wide range of healthy snacks and a drink.

10.30-11.30am Exploring time and care routines.

11.30am Time to relax after a busy morning. Now we can share our favourite stories and rhymes.

11.50-12.30pm Lunch time in the Hive. Adults help us become more independent with our food and drink.

12.30-2pm It’s time for a nap!
Quiet time – adults supporting key children in their play and observing what we can do well and where we might need some help.

2pm Afternoon café.
Care routines.

2.45-3pm Goodbye to some of our friends.

3-4pm Exploring our favourite activities, a balance of adult led and self-chosen play using the indoor and outdoor environments across the academy site.

4-4.30pm Its tea-time at the Hive. Children across all rooms join together for tea.

4.30-5:30pm (5pm on Fridays) An opportunity to mix with our older and younger friends using other areas of the Nursery and Academy.