Early Years News

Office UserEarly Years, Giraffes & Crocodiles, Penguins & Zebras

A busy start back after the half term break. Week 1 saw us learning about how to care for our environment, reducing waste, reusing and recycling. We shared the stories of ‘Somebody swallowed Stanley’ and ‘The Messy Magpie’.  The children already have excellent knowledge about ways to help care for our environment, which is wonderful to see. 

We were very busy during free-flow times, exploring musical instruments, small world play with the farm and animals, we re-used a piece of cardboard packaging to make a road for the toy cars and we painted our clay creations from forest school. Our Bee Challenge for this week was to draw a picture of ourselves and write our name. Most of us can confidently write our name correctly now, which is an amazing achievement!

During Bee Explorers on Friday afternoon, we enjoyed playing with the small world castle, trains and tracks and we re-used more cardboard packaging to create fantastic houses plus many more exciting activities.

Week 2 in Early Years – 

Last week in Early Years the children enjoyed listening to ‘Percy the Park Keeper’ stories. The children enjoyed making homes for the animals with the junk modelling. In our exploring time the children enjoyed playing with Geli baff in the water tray, practicing their cutting skills to make 2D foxes and building obstacles courses outside. In maths last week we were finding different ways to build 9 and 10, we used dominos, cubes, pebbles and wooden figures. In our skills afternoons the children used forks to make Tulip prints and we were learning the beat to a song in our music lesson. 

In our BEE exploring Friday afternoon session we really enjoyed making Rockets and had a giant floor game of snakes and ladders.