We are thoroughly enjoying our sessions with Somerset Cricket! Last week we had to stay in the Marque due to the weather but we had great fun balancing the bean bag on the bat and dribbling the ball between the cones. This week we could go outside so we were allowed to bat it as hard as we could! Next week, we a super excited as we get to play a game!
In Maths we have been focused upon equal groups, multiplying and dividing. We are becoming quick and more confident with our times tables day by day.
In English, we adored writing our fact files, all about…us! We learnt about titles, sub-headings and writing facts. Can you tell someone at home the difference between fiction and non-fiction.
We are loving learning about algorithms in computing and have even designed our own Beebot mats! Next week we are going to learn about being safe on the internet and how to debug our algorithms!
Our teachers were so proud of us in Music last week, as we started to play the glockenspiels. We followed the board and played along with our partners brilliantly! We can’t wait to have another go!
After half term, we embark upon our puppet topic. A letter will come out next week but if you could send in a wooden spoon for your child, complete with their name that would be fantastic. If anyone happens to have any newspapers lying around, we will definitely be able to make good use of them. Thank you 🙂