Meerkats – Spring A

Office UserYear 3, Meerkats

In maths we are looking at measurement this term. We have started off looking at metres (M), centimetres (cm) and millimetres (mm). We have used a ruler to measure lines and also measured the heights of our partners with two metre sticks. It was great fun to find out who was the tallest and who was the shortest in the class.

In computing this half term, we have been working on our programming using Scratch. The children have been working in pairs to create their own online programs that accomplish specific goals. They have all really enjoyed being creative and sharing their creations with others!

In science this half term we have been learning all about forces. We learnt about friction and how it affects moving objects. We set up an investigation using a toy car to test how different surfaces create differing amounts of friction. The children worked really well together and found that smoother surfaces have less friction than rougher surfaces.

We have also been learning about magnets. We tested the strength of different magnets by investigating how many paperclips could be held by each magnet.