Happy New Year and welcome back to the new term. We have already had a very busy three weeks doing lots of fun and exciting work.
In English we have been using our wonderful imaginations to make up our own stories from a picture, this is very hard when you’re only 5 and 6 and our teachers are incredibly proud of how well we have done. For one piece we even got to use grown up writing pens, this was the most exciting thing most of us have ever done at school! We are all trying very hard to keep our handwriting beautiful and neat by forming all our letters correctly and always sitting them on the line. If anyone would like extra handwriting sheets to continue this work at home please let us know and we can provide some.
In Maths we have moved our learning on to numbers to 20. We really need to know these numbers so we have talked about one more and one less than them, how to write them and how to represent them in tens and ones. An example of what this means is below.

We have been very busy in Art learning all about Faberge and the amazing eggs he produced. We are attempting to make two versions of our own, one from saltdough and one from paper mache. Fingers crossed when we have finished you can see how hard we have worked on them.
We are lucky enough to have been chosen to take part in Forest School sessions this term with Keelie, although it is cold out there we are really enjoying our time. We have found mini beasts, engaged in some outdoor yoga, played games pretending to be birds searching for worms and much more. Thank you everyone who has provided the children with wellies on our Forest School day.