Dolphins News!

Office UserYear 4, Dolphins

We have had a great start back in 2024! It has been a busy couple of weeks with lots of brilliant new learning. 

In English, we have been writing narratives based on a video called ‘Lilly and the Snowman’. We have been working hard to include a range of interesting descriptions in our writing as well as using expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. The children have been very creative when thinking about their stories. 

During Maths lessons, we have been looking at multiplication and division. We learnt about factor pairs and used our times table knowledge to help us find all of the numbers which multiply to a product. We then moved on to multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. 

For Geography, we have started a new topic – Biomes. We are learning about the different biomes that are found throughout the world such as Tundra, Grasslands and Deserts. This week we focused on Desert biomes, learning about their locations, climate, plants and animals. The children carried out some research and produced a fact page about one of the world’s major deserts. 

Finally, in Computing we have been using Logo to learn programming skills. The children have been problem solving and showing great perseverance to write algorithms to draw letters and numbers on the computers.