Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term! Your children have settled back into the swing of school really well, and we have had a very exciting two weeks back!
In English the children have been continuing to use a variety of different adjectives in their writing to make it more exciting and interesting, while starting to include the conjunctions ‘and, but and because’ to link information together. We have also started to learn about including question marks where appropriate, and the children have been practicing writing lots of different questions, including ones they could ask an older person about the toys they used to play with, which links to our history topic!
In Maths we have moved onto subtraction, using numbers below 10. We have been exploring lots of different ways to help us with subtraction, such as using part-part-whole models, counters, images and number lines. We are starting to make the link between addition and subtraction, and how they fit together in a fact family.

We have done lots of painting over the past 2 weeks too which has been very fun! We have experimented with applying paint with a variety of different materials such as sponges, cotton wool, lolly sticks and cubes, and then we recreated our very own Mondrian pictures, one with primary colours and another with secondary colours that the children mixed themselves! The children did so well and we were so pleased with their finished pictures!

We have started our history topic too which looks at the change in toys over the years. We have spent time discussing what history is, and talked about the many ways in which we can find out about the past such as in books, online, watching videos and talking to older people we might know. We have looked at the type of toys we have today, and discussed what we think might be different about toys in the past, creating a list of questions the children can ask an older person they know, to help them find out more.
On Friday we talked about Remembrance, the Poppy Appeal, Armistice Day and we did a 2 minute silence. The children then used oil pastels to design a quarter of a poppy, which we then joined together with other poppies to make a beautiful display that you will be able to see on Jaguars and Tigers classroom windows!
We hope you had a lovely week!