
It is hard to believe we have come to the end of the first term in Year One for your children, they have all worked so hard and are already making progress. We are very proud of them and hope you are too. Thank you to everyone who attended a parents evening slot with us, we hope you found them useful.
In English recently the children have been exploring how to write instructions for other people to follow, they realised that they need to be very detailed otherwise instructions can be difficult to use. They have also been adding adjectives to their sentences in order to make them more interesting whilst still remembering to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
In Math’s we have moved on to addition. We are still looking at numbers below 10 and have started to discuss fact families. This is all the addition calculations for a specific number such as below

Across our afternoons we have been very busy with lots of different subjects. We finished our Geography work on the seasons and have started an Art unit on colour. The children are learning what a primary colour is, what a secondary colour is and how you make your own secondary colours. We are continuing with this after the holidays and will be recreating the work of the artist Monet.
We also learnt what DT was and baked a loaf of yummy bread, we then used some bread to make marmalade sandwiches just like Paddington Bear likes. The children had to complete each step themselves and did very well.
Have a lovely half term and we will see you on Tuesday 31st October.