‘Inside Out’ in Early Years

Lily CollinsEarly Years, Giraffes & Crocodiles, Penguins & Zebras


Our focus this week in Early Years has been around ‘Inside Out’ and emotions. We have discussed different emotions, what might cause these emotions and what we can do to make ourselves feel better. 

The children have enjoyed painting ‘Inside Out’ characters, colouring in their own feeling monster and drawing and writing what makes them feel happy. In our exploring time the children have matched numicons to the corresponding shape, practiced writing their numbers and enjoyed the construction and malleable play. 

In our skills afternoon the children carried out a science experiment with Miss Ollier and predicted what they think might happen to the skittles when water was added, before finding out through experimentation. The children got to see all areas of the school with their walk around the Academy with Mrs Cross.  With Mrs Savva the children enjoyed some playground games and the children with Mrs Redman enjoyed a music lesson, exploring the different instruments.