Year 4 Trip to Magdalen Farm 🐄

Lily CollinsYear 4, Orcas


Orcas had a brilliant day out at Magdelen Farm last month! Unfortunately, because it had rained the night before, we couldn’t explore the river as it was so deep it would have been over our heads! We started our day by walking down to the river and seeing how high it had risen and met some excited goats along the way. We then went pond dipping and explored all the different creatures that we could find in one of the ponds at Magdalen Farm. 

After lunch, we played games around the theme of food chains and habitats. We had to organise different consumers and producers in a line to try and create the longest chain. Some of us thought that a grass snake was big enough to eat a fox but later in the afternoon, when we saw one, we realised our mistake! 

We created habitats for different animals using the resources that we could find in the environment around us and then we ended the day with a tour of the farm and met some of its residents, including some enormous pigs and busy honey bees. We had a fantastic time and the children represented Brookside well.