Creativity Week – Day 2 in Otters!

Lily CollinsYear 2, Otters



Welcome to day two of our Spanish tour!

Our day started with a greater look at Spain. We used atlases to explore Spain and identify 6 of the biggest cities upon our very own map of Spain. We then looked at each of the regions…there are so many!

We learnt some basic greetings in Spanish – hopefully they will all remember to say good night to you later!

Joan Miro was the artist we discovered today. He was also Spanish, friends with Pablo Picasso, created some work with a cubism theme but liked to venture in to Surrealism. This means he liked to create realistic pictures with a magical or slightly bizarre twist. We discussed a few of his pieces, identifying the difference shapes, lines and features and pointing out our likes and dislikes.

This afternoon, we used his style to decorate a tile in clay! We were all fantastic… Miss Stevens, Mrs Clulow and Mrs Bentley were so impressed!

¡Hasta mañana!