30.06.23 Year 3 Roman Day Letter

Lily CollinsYear 3, Gophers, Meerkats


Dear Parents/Carers, 

On Friday 30th June, Year 3 will be having a Roman Day to enrich their learning on the ‘Revolutionary Romans.’ Please can your child/ren come into school dressed as a Roman. Keep the outfit simple and please do not feel you have to buy anything. An example of a DIY outfit could be a long white t-shirt with a scarf over one shoulder secured with a belt and a pair of appropriate sandals.  

During the day, the children will be taking part in a number of activities including a Roman banquet. This will include feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, olives, bread and grapes. We will take any allergy information from the letters we received from you in the spring term. If there are any changes to this, then please let us know.  

It would be fantastic if you could make a £1 donation to enable us to purchase food for the children’s banquet. Please note that although it is a voluntary contribution, it will only be able to go ahead with your kind donation. Please bring your child’s £1 into your class teacher by Thursday 22nd June 2023.   

Thank you  
Year 3 Team