The King’s Coronation in Year 5 πŸ‘‘

Lily CollinsYear 5, Kangaroos, Wombats

Friday 5th May 2023.

What a busy (but fun) day! Today, Brookside celebrated the King’s coronation weekend. In the morning we got crafty, making our very own crowns to wear in our coronation parade. We partnered up with Early Years children after break and Wombats (along with Mrs. Ashford) led the parade, with Kangaroos bringing up the rear. It was amazing seeing all of the other children’s crowns from across the school and it really filled us all with school spirit! In the afternoon, Year 5 ventured down to Early Years and took part in lots of coronation inspired activities, such as a coronation scavenger hunt and making a carriage out of lots of different shapes. Year 5 were incredibly caring and great role models to Early Years this afternoon.