
At Brookside, we have designed our PSHE curriculum to meet the growing needs of our children whilst they are with us and beyond, into the next stages of their lives. We believe every child has the right to the knowledge and skills which will enable them to be safe, happy and successful in all aspects of their lives at every stage. This is embedded in our school values of 'Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible'.

We recognise the importance of teaching PSHE in achieving economic security, academic success, playing a full participatory role in society and living a healthy life with strong, mutually supportive relationships and emotional well-being.


Our learning in PSHE underpins and is re-enforced by everything we do at school and in partnership with our community both academically and pastorally. Teachers follow the SCARF curriculum which has the latest, research based content which is fully compliant with statutory requirements and recommendations. The curriculum follows a spiral pattern so that children receive the broad range of content at a developmentally appropriate time. This builds on previous learning as the children grow and prepares them for the next stage of their journey. Each year group team has identified the most significant aspects of the programme for their children and have tailored the curriculum to meet their bespoke needs. This process is reviewed annually to deliver the most effective curriculum. There is also inherent flexibility to adapt the sequence of learning to meet any issues which might arise such as online safety as and when circumstances occur.

EYFS and KS1 children have discreet PSHE learning in half-hourly sessions each week; KS2 children have fortnightly sessions of at least an hour. Teachers build on the strong relationships they have with pupils to create a safe and respectful learning environment which allows open and honest dialogue.

We enhance the curriculum with additional events such as Children's Mental Health Week and visits from specialist facilitators including HSBC Money Sense and SCARF.


Teachers give developmental feedback to children within sessions to ensure accurate concept and skills knowledge and will also look to make links and connect the PSHE content being studied to other curriculum areas and situations as they arise. Units are assessed termly to provide the subject lead and subsequent class teachers with an accurate and effective understanding of the progress.

We recognise that good teaching and learning in PSHE has a huge part to play in the development of children who are curious and resilient learners. Good mental well-being and strong, supportive relationships are vital to academic success and so our children's attainment in all subjects can be used as an indication of the effectiveness of the teaching and learning in PSHE.

The subject lead monitors the delivery of the curriculum through conducting pupil voice sessions and learning walks. Staff upload evidence of work to Padlet to illustrate the learning that has taken place across the whole school.

Quotes from pupils

"We were doing problem solving about how to solve arguments," Isaac (Year 4) 

"When we're outside, now we don't argue that much," Bella (Year 4)

Ezra in Year 3 said, "We learnt about staying safe and trying not to keep germs. When you go to the toilet, always wash your hands."

"We enjoyed learning about our school rules and always keep your hands to ourselves," said Manha (Year 1)

"I've learnt to control my emotions, when I'm sad or being too excited or scared," said Jack (Year 1)

Curriculum Overview (Mainstream Years 1-6)