Design Technology Curriculum


At Brookside Academy, we intend to deliver a Design Technology curriculum, which aims to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle through ideation, creation and evaluation. We want the pupils to develop confidence to take risks, be thorough when drafting and creating design and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others empathetically.

Cooking and Nutrition is taught alongside Design and Technology where children are given opportunities to understand healthy eating, where our food comes from and begin to know how to cook. Teaching children about cooking and nutrition can make a real difference to the quality of their lives; it equips them with confidence to make healthy food choices and supports a healthy enjoyment of food.

We intend for all the children to acquire appropriate subject knowledge skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum. By giving the children the opportunity to work with a range of materials, tools and equipment, they will develop transferable skills to participate successfully in our ever-changing world.


At Brookside from Year 1 upwards we ensure we incorporate three Design Technology projects that have been planned by the teachers. Two of these projects include design, make evaluate product cycle. Each project is given a design criteria that the children are then given the autonomy to create a product to fit the brief. They are then given the materials and tools to make their design, and then test and evaluate according to the specification and think about how to improve their design. The final project incorporates the cooking aspect of the Design Technology National Curriculum. This, again, is planned by the teachers to ensure all objectives are being covered across the year groups. The structure of these lessons begins by looking at the history of the food they are making, tasting of current products, making the product and then evaluating what they have made.

In Early Years, Design Technology skills are taught discreetly within small group skills sessions where these sessions are based on using the children's natural creativity and exploration to design products. As well as this, they are given opportunities during child initiated continuous provision where they are able to explore creative/junk modelling and construction areas incorporating key skills such as designing, building, evaluating and team work.

Evidence of Design Technology for each year group is recorded electronically on Padlet and regularly reviewed by the subject lead.


Our children enjoy and value Design and Technology and know why they are doing things, not just how. Children will understand and appreciate the value of D.T in the contact of their personal lives outside of school and make links to real life. Through self-evaluation and feedback from teachers and others, our pupils will develop new skills and be encouraged to show creativity.

Progress and attainment in Design Technology is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising children's work.

Namely by:

  • Looking at pupils' work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge
  • Observing them
  • Talking to them about what they know.

In conclusion, the D.T curriculum will enable our pupils to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to create innovative and unique designs. We aim to do this sustainable, ethically and inclusively. We hope to challenge pupils' thinking, stretching their imaginations and prepare them for their future lives, as successful and responsible citizens.

Curriculum Overview


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Quotes from pupils

'It's interesting using lots of different materials to make things.' Oliver (Year 5)

'D.T gives you the opportunity to work with different people and make new friends.' Ellis (Year 6)

'I like junk modelling because we can make aeroplanes.' Alfie (EYS)

'I liked designing our cam, putting it together and seeing if it works.' Mason (Year 4)

'I tried new foods that I didn't think I'd like, like the cheesy carrot bites.' Taeo (Year 1)

'I loved making and tasting soup. I didn't like it before that.' Ellis (Year 3)

Useful Documents

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